
Soap bubble bokeh lens design
Soap bubble bokeh lens design

soap bubble bokeh lens design

Since I am a professional wedding photographer, the abilities of the lens are a real enrichment to my portfolio.“ Firat Bagdu, professional wedding photographer. It’s much more than adding an effect, it’s about preserving a special mood or feeling when capturing a moment. The new 50mm f/2.9 Trioplan features premium build quality, modern coatings, and a 1:4 reproduction ratio for macro photography. The Trioplan 50 offers a lot of character to underline a special moment. German optical company Meyer-Optik Gorlitz is celebrating the 100th anniversary of their acclaimed Trioplan line by relaunching the legendary 50mm Trioplan Soap Bubble lens, so named for its unique bokeh characteristics. “I am always searching for the special and unique picture. The most exciting feature is the characteristic bokeh the glass would produce when shot wide open: A 2.8. It is based on the internal three element-three group design of the COOKE TRIPLET (1893). Contents 1 Domiplan 50mm F2.8 is the same Meyer Optik brand lens as Torioplan 2 Select a mount adapter (to use Domiplan 50mm F2.8 with a digital camera) 3 Photo sample by Domiplan 50mm F2.8 3.1 with Domiplan 50mm F2. but unlike the later Zebra model, this model had 15 aperture blades which produce soap bubble bokeh similar to the famed Meyer Optik Trioplan. Todays most famous soap bubble lens - the Meyer Optik Trioplan lens - was designed by Hugo Meyer in 1916. And this Domiplan 50mm F2.8 is a lens of the same brand as Torioplan that can create Soap Bubble Bokeh. No matter if I shoot a super sharp portrait or a dreamy flowery landscape, the Trioplan 50 is my current choice.” Tamara Skudies, professional studio photographer, outdoor lover and connoisseur of historic lenses. The design is unusual for a 50mm in that the hood is integral to the body of the lens design with the front element very deeply recessed into the barrel. “The ultra lightweight and compact Trioplan 50 is so very versatile that I take it everywhere. Get Famous Soap Bubble Bokeh Lens for Less Than 60: If you dont know what is 'bubble bokeh', then google for ' Meyer Gorlitz. Next, I will introduce Soap Bubble Bokeh photos that I photographed at various locations using Domiplan 50mm F2.8. Soap Bubble Bokeh photos by Domiplan 50mm F2.8. I would have never thought of using any 50mm lens to shoot a portrait, but I am now so glad I tried - and now use the Trioplan 50 as one of my prime lenses.” Guido Karp, professional celebrity photographer. On this new show i will review for you some weird Lenses that can work on your mirrorless cameras for photos and videos. The outline of Soap Bubble Bokeh in this photo taken with this lens is much sharper than that taken with Fujinon. Following a successful Kickstar campaign, German optical manufacturer Meyer Optik is set to reintroduce a lens from 1916 that was famous for its unique soap-bubble bokeh. So I jumped on the opportunity to capture this incredible ‘bokeh’ in my images using a not so usual lens. Meyer-Optik Görlitz’s historic Trioplan f2.9/50 Kickstarter has surpassed more than 1000 backers and more than $650,000 pledged to the campaign Meyer-Optik “I am always looking for tools that offer me visual options.

Soap bubble bokeh lens design